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Senior couple holding up gold balloons shaped like the numbers 2022.

4 New Year's Resolutions for Seniors


The new year is here! Now that you’re in your golden years, there’s no better time to set new goals for yourself. Here are four great New Year’s resolutions for seniors to focus on in 2022.

Try Something New

A new year brings exciting opportunities and the perfect excuse to try something new – even if it doesn’t seem like something for you. According to a recent study shared by The Washington Post, finding a new creative outlet can help you age more gracefully. Creativity can help improve your overall health by stimulating cognitive functions and memory use. Whether it be art, journaling, theater, puzzles, or even travel – try something new to get your brain thinking differently.

Set a New Fitness Goal

Staying physically active as you age is paramount for senior health. In 2022, try adding a 30-minute walk, a low-impact workout class, or some yoga to your daily routine. A little exercise helps your overall physical health, and it can help your mental health as well. Take a look at your schedule and see where you can fit in some time for fitness to improve your overall health.

Reconnect in 2022

If you’ve been feeling disconnected from loved ones who live far away, 2022 could be a good year to reconnect. Set a weekly or monthly voice or video call, or see if anyone would like to become a pen pal. Staying in touch takes effort, but it’s easier when you make a plan to do something consistently so there is already a set time to catch up, reminisce, and laugh with those you love.

Join a Club

A good goal for seniors is to stay active this year. Retirement is a great time to make new friends and form new bonds. Take a look at senior community activities you can join to meet new people, and possibly try new things at the same time.

Looking to join a senior community in 2022? Find your ideal new home at one of our Careage locations.


Exceptional Care, Lifestyles & Housing for Seniors