Summer has finally arrived, and we’re ready to give it a warm welcome. Getting outside is good for everyone, and experts say that spending time in nature is extremely beneficial to older adults, helping reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and several other health conditions. But it’s no fun just standing outside with nothing to do, so Careage has compiled a list of fun outdoor activities for seniors to try this summer.
Yes, it’s simple, but simple doesn’t have to mean boring. Walking outside is one of the best things you can do for your body as an older adult, and it’s also one of the easiest. You don’t need any gear except a pair of sneakers, and you can do it no matter where you live. You can even invite friends or family along or finish up your walk with a picnic. There are plenty of possibilities and plenty of time to explore all of them.
Fruit Picking
This age-old activity is as fun now as it was when you were a kid. Find a local or semi-local orchard, invite some friends or family, and start filling your basket. Cherries and strawberries bear fruit in early summer, while blueberries, raspberries, and peaches start ripening in mid-to-late summer. You can eat the “fruits” of your labor plain or cook up a delicious cherry or peach pie as a second activity.
Whether you’d like to carve out a section of your yard to prepare for a bountiful harvest or if flower pots are more your speed, gardening is a great activity for warm weather. Growing scallions, carrots, tomatoes, and herbs like dill and rosemary is fairly low-maintenance, and taking care of your flowers or veggies gives you a healthy morning routine throughout the season.
Taking in Outdoor Shows
Rock concerts aren’t the only outdoor shows out there. Many hobbyist theater groups put on outdoor performances in the summer, and they usually take place in the evening when the air is cooler and there’s less sun. Make plans to attend one of these performances with friends or family. If you live in a senior living community, check your activity bulletin to see if it’s a planned activity. If not, bring it up as a suggestion.
We hope this list gave you some good jumping-off points on how to spend your summer. For more ideas and suggestions, check out the Careage blog.