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Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Senior Loved One


As our loved ones grow older, the time we have to spend with them becomes more and more precious. Therefore, it’s meaningful to think of fun and creative ways to enjoy your time together. Whether you’re sharing old photos or preparing a beloved meal together, you and your senior loved one will revel in the quality time. Here are a few heartfelt activities to enjoy together.

Get out the Games

Board games are a great option because they're interactive, aren't physically demanding, and offer plenty of time for chatting. Choose games that your loved one already knows or ones that are easy to learn. Want to get the whole family involved? Opt for a classic multiplayer game, like Monopoly or Yahtzee. Just the two of you? Checkers is a good bet. If you and your loved one like card games, get a deck with large, easily-to-read lettering.

Walk Down Memory Lane

Our elders are treasure troves of memories and anecdotes about past eras. Simply asking your loved one about their early life can spark a fascinating and insightful conversation. You can start with basic questions about their school years and childhood friends. It may lead to questions you wouldn't have thought to ask. If your loved one is willing, consider filming their answers. This can provide you with a wonderful record that you can pass down to future generations, preserving those memories forever.

Look Through Old Photos

Photo albums offer up an interesting look into the past and can inspire meaningful conversations. Ask about the people and places in the photos. You may find out quite a bit about your extended family and their lives and stories. Turn it into an activity by making a collage to frame, or upload your loved one's favorites into a digital frame, so they can see their most cherished pictures without giving up a lot of wall space.

Cook Together

While sharing a meal is a meaningful activity, taking the time to prepare it together makes it all the more special. Talk to your senior loved one beforehand and ask if there are any recipes that are dear to them. Whether it’s something from their childhood, or a go-to meal they’ve always loved preparing, it will mean so much to them to be able to share it with you. Not only will you love preparing and eating it, but this is a great way to pass down culinary traditions.

Spend Time in Nature

For seniors, it can feel more challenging to get out of the house and into nature. Therefore, make it a priority to take the senior in your life to a natural setting they love. Whether you’re strolling through their favorite park or simply enjoying a conversation on a bench outside, it will mean so much to them to have quality time in a scenic place.

We truly hope that you find these suggestions inspiring, and that they can help you make the most of your time with your loved one. Keep an eye on the Careage blog for more ideas on caring and spending time with your senior loved one.


Exceptional Care, Lifestyles & Housing for Seniors