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Nurse checking older woman’s vitals on a couch

What is Post-Acute Rehab & How Can it Help?


Post-acute rehab, also known as post-acute care, provides rehabilitation services for patients who have been discharged from the hospital following an illness, injury, or surgery. It acts as a transitional service, between a hospital stay and home, and is designed to prevent premature returns to the hospital and ease recovery. This rehab can take place in a senior living community, a skilled nursing facility, or at home, depending on the level of care required. The services offered by post-acute care professionals can include physical therapy, wound dressing, and assistance with daily activities. Careage Senior Living has provided a closer look at some of the benefits of post-acute rehab.

Decreased Risk of a Return to Hospital

Following a surgical procedure or during the recovery period following an illness or injury, a small complication during the healing process can be devastating if left unchecked. The services offered by post-acute care ensures that the healing process is monitored daily, lowering the chances of a stressful and/or lengthy return to the hospital and preventing a more serious complication.

Providing Comfort

While recovering in a hospital may seem like a good option due to the many resources and healthcare workers readily available, it can actually benefit a patient’s health if they are able to return to a more familiar or comforting setting, like their own home or a short-term stay at a senior living community. In short, post-acute rehab offers many of the medical benefits of a hospital in a cozier atmosphere.

Individualized Care

Post-acute rehab isn’t a one-size-fits-all program. Instead rehab is tailored based on the patient’s condition. You also have a choice between home health services, an inpatient rehab facility, or a senior living community that offers skilled nursing services.

We hope that we were able to shed some light on the benefits of post-acute rehab. For more information on senior health and wellness, check out the Careage blog.


Exceptional Care, Lifestyles & Housing for Seniors